Mary Watson diaries

Series 1: Diaries (1881)

Series number
Series title
Scope and content

Two diaries kept by Mary Watson while she lived at Lizard Island where her husband had set up a bech-de-mer business.

In the first diary Mary Watson relates the day's events and weather conditions.

The second diary of loose leaves was used by Mary Watson to record events while drifting over the Barrier Reef and on No. 5 Island of the Howick Group.

Author / Creator
Watson, Mary Beatrice, 1860-1881
1 diary (bound, loose leaves from pocket notebook)
Additional format
Digital copy available for selected item
Access restrictions
Restricted access.
Conditions of use
You are free to use without permission. Please attribute the State Library of Queensland.
Other guides
Transcripts available
Biographical history
Lett's No.35 Australasian Rough Diary for 1881 kept by Mary Watson while living on Lizard Island and in Cooktown. Loose pencilled leaves with diary entries by Mary Watson while drifting over the Barrier Reef and on No. 5 Island of the Howick Group.

Access copy and transcript available
This material has been reproduced in the following publications:
Extracts and photographic copies of some pages published in: Robertson, Jilllian: Lizard Island. A reconstruction of the life of Mrs Watson. Richmond, 1981.

Items in this series:

Diary (1 January -1 October 1881)

Unit ID
Item title
1 January -1 October 1881
Scope and content

Lett's rough diary kept by Mary Watson while she lived at Lizard Island and at Cooktown. 

In this diary Mary Watson relates the day's events and weather conditions as well as the circumstances of her leaving Lizard Island with her infant son Ferrier and Ah Sam, a Chinese worker, after conflict with local Indigenous people. This diary was later found at her hut on Lizard Island. This item is very fragile.

Author / Creator
Watson, Mary Beatrice, 1860-1881
1 diary
195 x 120 mm
Additional format
Digital copy available
OMRR Box 16434 O/S
Other guides
Transcript available
Very fragile. A spiral bound photocopy is available.

Diary (2 October -10 October 1881)

Unit ID
Item title
2 October -10 October 1881
Scope and content

Loose leaves with diary entries kept by Mary Watson recording events while she drifted over the Barrier Reef in a steel tank and on No. 5 Island of the Howick Group.

Mary Watson had left Lizard Island with her infant son Ferrier and Ah Sam, a Chinese worker, after a conflict with local Indigenous people. On leaving Lizard Island, Mary Watson was confused about the date. Her first entry is for 3 September when in fact it was 2 October 1881. The three drifted over the reef for several days eventually landing at No. 5 Island of the Howick Group. Being unable to find water on the island all three died of thirst and were not found until several months later. These loose leaves were found with Mary Watson's body. The last entry reads: "No water. Nearly dead with thirst".

Author / Creator
Watson, Mary Beatrice, 1860-1881
6 pages (double sided, loose from notebook)
Additional format
Digital copy available
OMRR Box 16434 O/S
Other guides
Transcript available
Very fragile. A spiral bound photocopy is available.
This material has been reproduced in the following publications:
Extracts and photographic copies of four pages published in: Robertson, Jilllian: Lizard Island. A reconstruction of the life of Mrs Watson. Richmond, 1981.

Diaries (copies) (1 January 1881 - 10 October 1881)

Unit ID
Item title
Diaries (copies)
1 January 1881 - 10 October 1881
Scope and content

Photocopies and transcript of diaries kept by Mary Watson [Items 1 and 2]. Transcribed by John Armstrong, Brisbane, October 1998.

Author / Creator
Watson, Mary Beatrice, 1860-1881
2 notebooks (spiral bound)
OMBOX Box 9109
2 spiralbound photocopies
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(2 digital)

Series 2: Photograph (1879?)

Series number
Series title
Scope and content

1 black and white copy print of a carte-de-visite photograph, taken by Louis Buderus at his Rockhampton studios.

[Item OM81-120/4]

Author / Creator
Buderus, Louis, 1840-1906
1 carte-de-visite photograph
OMBOX Box 9109
Access restrictions
Unrestricted access
Conditions of use
You are free to use without permission. Please attribute the State Library of Queensland.
Biographical history
The original photograph was taken by Louis Buderus of Rockhampton
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Series 3: Certificates (1860-1904 [1979])

Series number
Series title
1860-1904 [1979]
Scope and content

Six birth, marriage and death certificates recording life events of members of Mary Watson and her family. One original and five certified extracts.

[Items OM81-120/5 to OM81-120/10]

Author / Creator
Great Britain. General Register Office
Anglican Church of Australia. Parish of Cooktown
6 certificates
Additional format
Digital copies available for selected items
OMBOX Box 9109
Access restrictions
Unrestricted access
Conditions of use
You are free to use without permission. Please attribute the State Library of Queensland.

Items in this series:

Birth certificate (17 January 1860)

Unit ID
Item title
Birth certificate
17 January 1860
Scope and content

Photocopiy of certified extract of birth register for the birth of Mary, daughter of Thomas Oxnam and Mary Phillips on 17 January 1860 at the parish church of St Newlyn.( Certified extract issued by the General Register Office, London on 4 May 1978)

Author / Creator
Great Britain. General Register Office
1 certificate

Marriage certificate (14 March 1860)

Unit ID
Item title
Marriage certificate
14 March 1860
Scope and content

Photocopy of certified extract of marriage register, for marriage of Thomas Oxnam and Mary Phillips on 14 March 1860 at the parish church of St Newlyn. (Certified extract issued by the General Register Office, London on 4 May 1978). Thomas Oxnam and Mary Phillips were the parents of Mary Watson.

Author / Creator
Great Britain. General Register Office
1 certificate

Marriage certificate (30 May 1880)

Unit ID
Item title
Marriage certificate
30 May 1880
Scope and content

Marriage certificate for Robert Watson and Mary Beatrice Phillips Oxnam, on 30 May 1880 at the English Church at Cooktown. This is the original (Schedule D) copy handed by the minister to the parties married.

Author / Creator
Anglican Church of Australia. Parish of Cooktown
1 certificate
Additional format
Digital copy available
OMBOX 16434 O/S [Rare and Restricted]
Access restrictions
Restricted access.
Conditions of use
You are free to use without permission. Please attribute the State Library of Queensland.

Death certificate (28 June 1886)

Unit ID
Item title
Death certificate
28 June 1886
Scope and content

Certified transcribed entry from the Register of Deaths for the death of Thomas Oxnam, the father of Mary Watson, at Rockhampton on 29 June 1886. (Certified copy issued by Registar General's Office, Queensland on 17 April 1979).

Author / Creator
Queensland. Registar General's Office
1 certificate

Marriage certificate (1892)

Unit ID
Item title
Marriage certificate
Scope and content

Certified transcribed entry from a Register of Marriages for the marriage of John Bartlett and Mary Oxnam, mother of Mary Watson, at Townsville on 10 February 1892. (Certified copy issued by Registar General's Office, Queensland on 17 April 1979)

Author / Creator
Queensland. Registar General's Office
1 certificate

Death certificate (30 December 1904)

Unit ID
Item title
Death certificate
30 December 1904
Scope and content

Certified transcribed entry from a Register of Deaths for the death of Mary Bartlett, mother of Mary Watson, at Charters Towers on 30 December 1904. (Certified copy issued by Registar General's Office, Queensland on 17 April 1979)

Author / Creator
Registar General's Office, Queensland
1 certificate
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(1 digital)

Series 4: Genealogical table (undated)

Series number
Series title
Genealogical table
Scope and content

Genealogical table presumably compiled for research into the life of Mary Watson and her family. It shows two generations of Mary Watson's paternal ancestors, as well as names and dates of life events of her siblings.

[Item OM81-120/11]

1 sheet
OMBOX Box 9109
Access restrictions
Unrestricted access
Conditions of use
You are free to use for personal research and study. For other uses see
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Series 5: Clippings (1873-1877)

Series number
Series title
Scope and content

Four photocopied clippings from the Cornwall Post Office Directory and the Royal Cornwall Gazette regarding the Oxnam family, the family of Mary Watson:

1. Post Office Directory, 1873 showing three male Oxnams to be residents of Newlyn.
2. & 3. Royal Cornwall Gazette - presentation to Thomas Oxnam on the eve of the family's departure for Australia
4. Royal Cornwall Gazette - the sale of the Oxnam family household furniture on 27 April 1877

[Item OM81-120-12]

4 newspaper clippings
OMBOX Box 9109
Access restrictions
Unrestricted access
Conditions of use
You are free to use without permission. Please attribute the State Library of Queensland.
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