Series 1: Thesis (1980)
Thesis: "The Australian Women's Land Army". Submitted as part of completion of a Research Degree of Master of Arts in the Department of History James Cook University of North Queensland.
Items in this series:
The Australian Women's Land Army (1980)
Thesis: "The Australian Women's Land Army". Submitted as part of completion of a Research Degree of Master of Arts in the Department of History James Cook University of North Queensland. The thesis covers the history of the Australian Women's Land Army in Queensland between 1942-1945 and considers the social and material environment of the members and public and government opinion towards the women.
Series 2: Military records (1942-1945)
Women's Land Army Service record books containing enrollment information including date, date of leave periods and completion of service information; greeting card, ration declaration form.
Items in this series:
Service Record Book (18 August 1942-20 September 1945)
The service record book no. 131 belonged to Doris Child who served between 18 August 1942 to 20 September 1945. The book indicates she enrolled in Brisbane and was released from service after two years and eleven months service. The reason for release is noted as "services no longer required". Included in the booklet is an Australian Women's Land Army Auxiliary handbook issued by Man Power
Service Record Book (21 February 1943-6 October 1945)
The service record book no. 212 belonged to Mary Lavis who served between 21 February 1943 and 6 October 1945. The book indicates she enrolled in Brisbane and was released from service after two years and seven months service. The reason for release is noted as "to return to civilian employment".
Service record book (1944-1945)
Australian Women's Land Army service record book issued in the name of Annie Isabel Bolton, Land Army no, P.54
Greeting card (1940-1945)
Christmas card 'best wishes for Christmas and the New Year' annotated on the rear "This card is sold in aid of The Women's Land Army Benevolent Fund"
Ration declaration (31 December 1945)
Signed declaration for special tobacco ration for ex-service personnel, issued in the name of Annie Isabel Bolton.
Booklet (1940-1945)
Information booklet issued to prospective members of the Australian Women's Land Army and Australian Women's Land Army Auxiliary
Series 3: Pennants (1942-1975)
A green felt pennant with the Australian Women's Land Army emblem on the left. The main body of the material has "A.W.L.A"
Items in this series:
Pennant (Undated)
A green felt pennant with the Australian Women's Land Army emblem on the left. The main body of the material has "A.W.L.A"
Series 4: Invitations (1972-1975)
Two invitations to a Land Army Reunion
Items in this series:
Reunion Invitations (January 1975-August 1975)
The one page invitation calls for Australian Women's Land Army members to attend the fourth reunion at the Hotel Canberra 16 August, 1975. The RSVP is to Mrs Doris Young or Tarragindi.
Reunion Invitations (12 June 1973)
This invitation is addressed to the Australian Land Army Women for a second reunion dated 18 August, 1973. There is two copies of this invitation and it is signed by Beryl McLeish (nee Pender).
Series 5: Poetry (1945-1970?)
Five poems describing the activites and daily life of the Australian Women's Land Army.
Items in this series:
In Remembrance
The poem 'In Remembrance' has been written by ex-Land Army member Pamela Gosney and details the experiences of the Land Army girls.
A Warning to Girls About Where Not to Go!
The poem "A Warning to girls About Where Not to Go!" warns 'girls' about the dangers of various Queensland locations. These locations include Castle Hill, Currajong, Pimlico, Picnic Bay, Aitkenvale, Hervey Bay and Burleigh Heads.
The Cotton Pickers Ode
The poem "The Cotton Pickers Ode" describes work in the cotton fields inferring that the work needs to be done while the war continues. The page has the words "Home Hill 1942 compliments of (unreadable)" in the right hand corner and "F.O. Taylor" written in the left-hand corner.
Let's Call it a Day, Mr Day, Mr Day (4 February 1943)
The poem titled "Let's Call it a Day, Mr Day, Mr Day" has the by-line "Memories of Glen Aplin" and describes life on the farms for the Land Army girls.
More Nonsense (6 September 1945)
The poem "More Nonsense" has the by-line "A.W.L.A. H.Q. 6-4-45" and describes some Land Army girls applying at the headquarters for leave time.
Poem (1939-1945)
The first line of this handwritten poem reads "Mrs Pender our Land Chief so fair, sat one June day in office chair" - it describes the formation of the Women's Land Army in Queensland
Series 6: Biographies ( 1945-1975?)
A one-page biography of Beryl McLeish (Mrs E.F. Pender), the State Superintendent of the Australian Women's Land Army in Queensland. Includes a photo of Mrs E.F. Pender in the Land Army uniform.
Items in this series:
Beryl McLeish biography (1942-1975)
A one-page biography of Beryl McLeish (Mrs E.F. Pender), the State Superintendent of the Australian Women's Land Army in Queensland. This biography mentions her education at Gympie High School, appointment to the Public Service and her role as State Superintendent of the Australian Women's Land Army. There is also reference to her marriage to Mr E.F. Pender and later Mr D.M McLeish.
The back and white copy of a photograph of Mrs E. F. Pender, State Superintendent of the Australian. Women's Land Army in Queensland, shows Mrs Pender in a Land Army uniform.
Series 7: Pamphlets (1942-1970)
Five of the six pamphlets promote various activities in the British Women's Land Army and promote the service generally. There is one pamphlet authored by the Queensland Women's Committee that promotes the Bi-Centenary Celebrations in Brisbane in 1970. Affixed to the collection of pamphlets is a section of an envelope addressed to Mrs Pender, Superintendent of the Australian Women's Land Army (Queensland).
Items in this series:
Service in the Women's Land Army (1942-1945)
The pamphlet outlines general information about the Land Army, pay rates, benefits, age limit and how to enrol. The back page of the pamphlet has an application for enrolment form which asks for name, address, age, present occupation and the name of the employment exchange that authorises the application. The enrolment form is addressed to the Women's Land Army Headquarters in Haywards Heath, Sussex.
Women's Land Army Timber Corps
The pamphlet outlines the role of the Women's Timber Corps as part of the Women's Land Army for England and Wales discussing training, employment, wages and general information on holidays, sick pay, billeting and welfare.
The Women's Land Army for England and Wales
This pamphlet provides general information on Land Army membership including preparation for a farm work, what to take, insurance, general rules and uniform details. There is also mention of 'The Land Army' publication and information on the Benevolent Fund.
Lonely Battle
This pamphlet outlines the Land Army Benevolent Fund and the service it provides to members. There is a section on the last page that can be detached with money to subscribe to the Fund with the address being WLA Headquarters in Haywards Heath, Sussex.
Women's Land Army Benevolent Fund (June 1943)
The pamphlet outlines the progress of the Benevolent Fund detailing both credits and debits on the Fund. The inside page has a photograph of Lady Denman and Mr McCullough opening mail in response to a recent appeal.
Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Celebrations: Our First 200 Years (1970?)
This pamphlet promotes an exhibition at Brisbane City Hall celebrating Queensland women's lives in the first 200 years. The pamphlet includes a list of conveners, open letters from both Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen and the Chairman of the Queensland Women's Committee and a map of the exhibition hall. The pamphlet also promotes a visit by the Queen on 14 April, 1970.
Series 8: Newsletters (1943-1945)
Thirteen of the 14 publications are Land Army Gazettes (Queensland) numbered 1 through to 13. There is also one edition of 'The Land Girl', the English Women's Land Army publication.
Items in this series:
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (July 1943)
This was the first issue of The Land Army Gazette Queensland. The first page article from the editors says that the gazette is intended to be published monthly. The gazette contains general information on the formation of the Land Army, news of uniforms and descriptions of work done at camps in Buderim and Victoria Point. The back page has information about the British Women's Land Army and letters from The Director General of Agriculture, Mr Bulcock and Chairman of the Fruit and Decidious Fruit Growers' of Queensland, Mr J.B. Ferris.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (August 1943)
This gazette is the second issue of The Land Army Gazette. There are general articles on 'Camp News', 'Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poet's Corner', 'Headquarter's Notes' as well as a mail section and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (September-October 1943)
This gazette is the third issue of the Land Army Gazette. The first page article from the editors mentions the new army uniforms and the increase in camps. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (November-December 1943)
This is the fourth issue of the gazette. The editors page discusses Christmas activities and wishes all its members well. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (January-March 1944)
This is the fifth issue of the gazette. The editors page discusses visits to various camps in south-east Queensland. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (July 1944)
This is the sixth edition of the gazette and the first printed edition. The front page is a letter from the Deputy Director-General of Manpower in Queensland. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (August 1944)
This is the seventh edition of the gazette. The first page has birthday greetings for the Land Army from Commandant in Chief Zara Gowrie, State Commandant Winifred Wilson and the Director General of Manpower Wallace Wurth. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (October 1944)
This is the eighth edition of the gazette. The first page has a letter from T.L. Williams, the Minister for Agriculture and Stock. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (December 1944)
This is the ninth edition of the gazette. The first page has three photographs of Army women at work in the fields and involved in a march through Brisbane in October. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Land Army Groups', Tributes from Employers', 'Our Poets Corner', 'Headquarters Notes', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (February 1945)
This is the tenth edition of the gazette. The first page has a New Year message from the Director-General of Manpower W. Funnell. The gazette contains 'Camp Doings', 'Land Army Groups', , 'Poets Corner', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (April 1945)
This is the eleventh edition of the gazette. The first page has a message from the Commandant-in-Chief of the Australian Women's Land Army the Duchess of Gloucester. The gazette contains 'Camp News', 'Welfare News', 'Poets Corner', as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (July 1945 )
This is the twelfth edition of the gazette. The first page has news of a inspection by The Duchess of Gloucester. The gazette contains 'News from Members', 'Camp Doings', "Headquarters Notice Board' as well as mail and general news.
The Land Army Gazette Queensland (December 1945)
This is the thirteenth edition of the gazette. The first page has letters of farewell to the Land Army girls of Queensland. The gazette contains discussion of the demobilisation of the Land Army service, farewells from around Queensland and notes of appreciation.
The Land Girl (no. 6, vol. 5) (September 1944)
This issue contains general news and photographs of the land army, headquarters notes, mail and benevolent fund notices.
Series 9: Radio Scripts ( 1942-1945)
Ten radio scripts reporting on the activities of the Australian Women's Land Army between 1942 and 1945. Nine of the scripts are in a typed format and one is hand written.
Items in this series:
The Australian Women's Land Army Queensland (November 1942)
The two page script is dated November 1942 and calls on Queensland women to join the Australian Women's Land Army. It concludes with a poem about helping the war effort and joining the organisation.
Australian Women's Land Army Records (9 November 1942)
Noted at the top of this untitled script is "Broadcast authorised to be used throughout the State. Passed by censor November 9th 1942". The script calls on Queensland women to join the Land Army and work on farms and in fields throughout the State.
Broadcast by Mrs E.F. Pender (9 February 1943)
This radio script was broadcast by Mrs E. F. Pender, Administrative Officer of the Australian Women's Land Army (Queensland) on Tuesday February 9, 1943. The broadcast discusses work life for the Land Army women harvesting fruit and vegetables, picking cotton and cattle work. Applications for service are to be sent to the Land Army Headquarters in Creek Street Brisbane.
With the Land Army in the Granite Belt (9 March 1943)
This radio script is hand-written by Mrs Atkinson "an officer in the field" and describes the working days of the Land Army women.
Broadcast by Mrs R.C. Philp ( 6 April 1943)
This script discusses conditions in the Land Army including rates of pay, leave access, uniform details and accommodation. The broadcast is read and signed by Annabel Philp, Superintendent.
Broadcast by Mrs E.F. Pender (5 May 1943)
This script was broadcast by Mrs E.F. Pender, Administrative Officer of the Australian Women's Land Army. The broadcast discusses work life for the Land Army women harvesting fruit and vegetables, picking cotton and cattle work.
Broadcast by Mrs Pender ( 17 December 1942)
The script discusses daily work for the Land Army women working on farms and reads aloud several letters from members in areas like Glen Alpin and Coominya.
The Australian Women's Land Army (23 March 1945)
The broadcast is by E.F. Pender, State Superintendent of the Queensland Division and discusses the work and conditions of the Land Army. The script also thanks different groups like the Y.W.C.A, the Travellers Aid Society and the Country Women's Association who accommodate the women around the State.
What They Are Doing and How They are Faring (1942-1945)
The script outlines the activities of the Land Army women throughout Queensland and was read by Mrs E. F. Pender, Administrative Officer of the Women's Land Army in Queensland.
On the Food Front with our Girls in Khaki ( 1942-1945?)
The script outlines life in the Land Army and has been read by Mrs Atkinson, Deputy Superintendent of the Australian Women's Land Army in Queensland. The script concludes with a poem about Land Army farming work.
Series 10: Correspondence (1942-1972)
Six forms of correspondence involving the Women's Land Army including a memo, a typed copy of a letter and a draft of letter.
Items in this series:
Letter ( 9 October 1942)
The letter is addressed to the Manpower Office in Brisbane and discusses reserving broadcast times by the Australian Women's Land Army.
Memo (26 July 1943)
The letter is a memo to Mrs B Pender approving her appointment as Superintendent of the Australian Women's Land Army, Queensland as from 20 July, 1943. The letter is signed Frank E Walsh, Deputy Director general of Man Power Queensland.
Letter (1943)
The typed letter is not addressed to a particular individual but discusses the Dairying Industry Award as it applies to members of the Land Army. The letter is signed by F. E. Walsh, Deputy Director General of Man Power Queensland.
Letter (6 November 1944)
The letter is addressed to Mrs Pender and refers to a request to receive information about the English Women's Land Army. The letter carries the letterhead of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the sender address is the Women's Land Army in Haywards Heath, Sussex.
Letters (1972)
There are three drafted letters, all identical, about an upcoming reunion of Land Army women. One draft is addressed to The Duchess of Gloucester but is incomplete. The second draft is addressed to The Baroness Elliot of Harwood, House of Lords, London and the third draft is addressed to Dr Edith Summerskill, House of Parliament, London and dated 2 July, 1972.
Letter (3 July 1972)
The letter is addressed to Mrs McLeish who is thanked for her invitation to the Land Army reunion on 8 July, 1972. The letter has a typed note in the top left-hand corner saying "this is from a member of the English Women's Land Army who was present at our reunion on 8th July, 1972". There is a note on the bottom of the letter in red pen (indistinguishable).
Series 11: Membership Lists (1942-1973)
The pages alphabetically list the names of former Land Army girls.
Items in this series:
List of Land Army Women for Reunion (12 June 1973)
This typed list of names is alphabetical order with the surname first and underlined and followed by the first name. In brackets after the maiden names and in some cases there is no first name only "Mrs". This particular list is attached to a letter of invitation to the second re-union and is signed by Beryl McLeish.
Names and Addresses of Land girls to be invited (18 August 1973)
These typed names are listed alphabetically with the women's address. There is a middle column titled "Where worked" and on the right hand side of the page a column titled "Amount/Banked donation". Several of the listed names have pen-written additions such as new addresses, postcodes, and what appear to be phone numbers. One of the names has a "deceased" message written next to it.
Membership List (1942-1973)
Two pages of typed names in alphabetical order with the surname first, first name and then the maiden name in brackets. Some of the names have neither a first name or maiden name and just have "Mrs" beside the surname. One name "Olga Denning" has the pen-written words "deceased 26/11/73"
Membership List (1942-1973)
Two pages of typed names in alphabetical order with the surname first, first name and then the maiden name in brackets. Some of the names have neither a first name or maiden name and just have "Mrs" or "Miss" beside the surname. There is a hand-written note on the top of the page in red pen which says "My Copy".
Membership List (1942-1973)
Two pages of typed names in alphabetical order with the surname first, first name and then the maiden name in brackets. Some of the names have neither a first name or maiden name and just have "Mrs" beside the surname. Several of the names have nicknames in quotation marks next to the surname. Two pen written names are also on the lists, one is "Tiddles" which is next to the name Mavis Mathis.
Membership List (1942-1973)
These typed pages have page numbers from 2 - 9 with three copies of page 2 and three copies of page 4 inclusive. On the left of the page is the surname followed by the first name and a maiden name in brackets. On the right of the page is a dollar amount and a date ranging from June 1972 - August 1972.
Series 12: Histories (1942-1973)
There are seven separate (three of which are hand-written) volumes with a history of the Land Army from its inception in World War Two. The histories detail facets such as the rates of pay, uniform, conditions of work and also include general information on parades, special visitors, amenties and welfare entitlements.
Items in this series:
The Australian Women's Land Army (Queensland Division) (1942-1973)
This four paged typed history details the establishment of the Queensland division of the Land Army including information on where the women worked, pay, uniform, accommodation, visits by dignitaries and regular events like processions. There is an additional copy of this item that has red pen marks on it indicating corrections. On the front page has been written "Sent Mrs Davidson Feb 1970".
The Australian Women's Land Army (Queensland division) - Summary concerning all facets (1942-1973)
The first page appears to be a contents page of the document listing the information that is covered including conditions of pay, officers and staff in Queensland, visits to the Land Army, parades and general information. The second page of the document has a list of page numbers and photograph descriptions. (9 copies)
They fought on the food front ... The battle of the forces (1942-1973)
Information covered in this document includes conditions of pay, uniforms, descriptions of Land Army camps, officers and staff in Queensland, visits to the Land Army, parades and general information. (3 copies)
Development of the W.A.N.S Land Army (1942-1975)
This hand-written history of the Land Army claims to be condensed from the book "History of the Women's Australian National Services 1940-1946". On the back of the second page is written "from E (?) Ford, N.S.W."
Australian Women's Land Army (1942-197)
This hand-written page details some history about the Land Army published in newspapers of the time. On the back of the page is written "from Mary Miller, N.S.W". There is a summary of an article from 'The Gosford Times' dated December 16, 1941 Gosford about the opening of a hostel for Land Army girls in NSW.
The Spirit of the Land Army (1942-1975)
This history begins with a few lines from a poem called 'The Spirit of the Land Army' and recounts a personal experience in the Land Army.
Series 13: Clippings (1942-1973)
The newspaper and magazine clippings cover three periods. The first period is 1942 - 1945 and these newspaper clippings cover the various activities of the Land Army in Queensland. The second period covers an exhibition of the Land Army in the Women's Historical Exhibition during the Captain Cook Bicentenary Celebrations in 1970. The third period covers the 30th anniversary of Land Army in 1972 which includes an exhibition and various locations for the anniversary around Queensland.
Items in this series:
The Australian Women's Land Army during Wartime (1942-1945)
These clippings cover life in the Land Army in Queensland during the period from 1942-1945. The clippings include coverage of Land Army girls on cotton farms in the Theodore district, the appointment of Mrs E. F. Pender as State Superintendent and a visit by the High Commissioner for India Sir Raghunath Paranjpye.
The Australian Women's Land Army exhitbition during the Women's Historical Exhbition 1970 (2 February 1970-5 April 1970)
The newspaper clippings detail a Women's Historical Exhibition being held at Brisbane's City Hall in April as part of the Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Celebrations. One clipping from the Sunday Mail is attached to a typed page discussing the visit by the Queen to the exhibition and asks former Land Army women to volunteer their time at the display.
The 30th Anninversary Reunion of the Australian Women's Land Army (Queensland Division) (1971-1973)
The newspaper and magazine clippings cover discussion of an upcoming reunion of Land Army women to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the formation of the army. Some of the newspaper clippings have been taken from the Sunday Mail, The Courier-Mail, The Griffith Times, Tumut and Adelong Times, The Western Advocate and a "Townsville" paper. One clipping has been taken from the Women's Day magazine and is dated October 25, 1971.
Series 14: Photographs ( 1942-1975)
Photographs relating to the Australian Women's Land Army, Queensland which was established in July 1942, to help 'fight on the food front.' Queensland women comprised almost one quarter of the nation's enlistees for war on this front.
The images in this series include: Beryl Pender, State Superintendent; groups in camp at Atherton, members on parade, working in the cotton fields in the Dawson Valley, and at work in Redland Bay.
[Item OM90-04/63]
Series 15: Notices (1970)
A one page typed notice entitled "The Visit to Queensland of H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth April 1970".
Items in this series:
The Visit to Queensland of H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth April 1970 (April 1970)
A one page typed notice entitled "The Visit to Queensland of H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth April 1970". This notice discusses an upcoming display of women's services during the Captain Cook Bi-Centenary celebrations and calls on ex-Land Army girls to make themselves available for a roster to assist with the display.
Series 16: Notes (1972)
Both pages document the Queensland division of the Land Army's reunion on July 8, 1972 at Hotel Canberra to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the formation of the service.
Items in this series:
Notes on the Reunion (1972)
The one page document discusses the Queensland division of the Land Army's reunion on July 8, 1972 at Hotel Canberra to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the formation of the service. The page details information about the photographs at the reunion and the messages sent from people such as Mr Gough Whitlam, the Honourable Bob Katter and the Duchess of Gloucester.
Notes on the Reunion (1972)
The one page document discusses the Queensland division of the Land Army's reunion on July 8, 1972 at Hotel Canberra to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the formation of the service. The page details information about the photographs at the reunion and the messages sent from people such as Mr Gough Whitlam, the Honourable Bob Katter and the Duchess of Glouchester. The document also reports how the Courier-Mail gave the event plenty of pre-publicity.
Series 17: Outlines (1939-1945)
A two paged document detailing the facets of the Land Army in the UK including, accommodation, qualifications, training, uniforms the Benevolent Fund and other conditions of employment.
Items in this series:
The Women's Land Army (1939-1945)
A two paged document detailing the facets of the Land Army in the UK including, accommodation, qualifications, training, uniforms the Benevolent Fund and other conditions of employment. The document has come from the Women's Land Army Headquarters in the UK.